Daniel Pesut, PhD, RN, FAAN

Daniel J. Pesut, PhD RN FAAN is an Emeritus Professor of Nursing in the Nursing Population Health and Systems Cooperative Unit of the School of Nursing at the University of Minnesota and Emeritus Katherine R. and C. Walton Lillehei Chair in Nursing Leadership. He has held academic and administrative positions at the University of Michigan, University of South Carolina, and is an Emeritus Professor of Nursing at Indiana University School of Nursing. He retired as Director of the Katharine J. Densford International Center for Nursing Leadership in 2021.
Dr. Pesut is an American nurse educator, academic, researcher and coach. He is a popular speaker, and consultant, and is known for his ability to inspire and encourage people as they develop creative ideas and design innovative practices with a desired future in mind. Pesut is internationally known for his work in reflective clinical reasoning, nursing education, psychiatric mental health nursing, and leadership development. Dr. Pesut is a master teacher and has held academic and administrative positions in both the education and public service sector. His research interests include volitional psychosomatic self-regulation, clinical reasoning, creative thinking, innovation, future studies, and leadership development. He speaks on the topics of creative, complexity, and integral thinking, clinical reasoning in nursing, and foresight leadership. Throughout his professional career he has been interested in how the creative process supports personal and professional development, enhances reasoning and scientific thinking, and promotes innovations in health care.
Through time his educational and research interests focused on the development and evaluation of cognitive and metacognitive aspects of thinking, and development and dissemination of the Outcome-Present-State-Test (OPT) model of reflective clinical reasoning. Pesut is trained in and authorized to use many sought after assessment systems and tools coaching and consulting contexts, including: the Harthill Leadership Development Framework (LDF); the Hogan Lead Assessment; Assess Systems Leadership and Professional Development Products; as well as the
Taylor Core Values Index (CVI) and the Barrett Values Center Leadership, Cultural Values and Well-Being Assessments. He is a retired board-certified clinical nurse specialist in adult psychiatric mental health nursing.
Dr. Pesut earned a PhD in Nursing from the University of Michigan, a master’s degree in
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, TX and BS degree in Nursing from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL while being supported by the US Army Student Nurse Program. He has completed Certificates in Management Development from Harvard Institute for Higher Education, Core Mediation Skills Training from the International Association of Dispute Resolution (IARD) and Integral Studies from Fielding Graduate University. He is a certified Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara coach and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He served on the Board of Directors of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International for eight years. He was President Elect from 2001-2003 and President of the Society from 2003-2005. He has served on the Board of Trustees of the Plexus Institute –an organization with the mission to foster the health of individuals, families and communities, organizations, and our natural environment by helping people use concepts emerging from complexity science. He also served on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Communication in Health Care, as well as the National Advisory Council of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Learning System Nexus. He served as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Jonas Philanthropies. He is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, and an Honorary Fellow of the Global Academy of Holistic Nursing. He has served on the National Advisory Councils of two Robert Wood Johnson Foundation programs – the Nurse Faculty Scholars Program and the Harold Amos Medical Scientist Program. He is currently Chair of the National Advisory Board of the American Nurses Association Innovation Enterprise.
Pesut is the recipient of several awards including an Army Commendation Award while on active duty (1975-1978) in the US Army Nurse Corps; the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International Edith Moore Copeland Founder’s Award for Creativity; The American Association for Men in Nursing Luther Christman Award and Gene Tranberger Award. He has received Distinguished Alumni Awards from Northern Illinois University School of Nursing-College of Health and Human Services, and a distinguished Alumni and Visionary Leadership Awards from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Nursing. In 2023 he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the University of Michigan School of Nursing, Alumni Society. The Honor Society of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau International The Daniel J Pesut Spirit of Renewal Award was established to honor his legacy and contributions to the nursing profession. This international award is given every two years to a nursing professional who meets the following criteria: Service to others through civic, professional, and/or community engagement. Scholarly habits that stimulate reflective practice in self and others. Commitments to the development of knowledge, learning, and service. Organizational contributions that foster professional growth, development, and renewal in others. Mentoring and coaching foster renewal. The ability to raise the spirit of colleagues, self, and other associates.
BSN 1975 Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL
MSN 1977 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing UT Health Science Center San Antonio, TX PhD 1984 Clinical Nursing Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Certificate Management Development, 1999, Harvard Institute for Higher Education,
Cambridge, MA
Graduate Certificate, Integral Studies, 2008, Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA
Core Mediation Certificate, 2008, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Certificate Coach Intensive Training, 2011, Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara, CA
Selected Publication
- Pesut, D. (2024). Foresight, Partnerships, and Cross Sector Collective Impact: Strategies to Build A Partnership World. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 11(2), 5-5.
- Pesut, DJ (2023). Reimagining Leadership: A legacy Perspective, Chapter 14 In Horton-Deutsch, S., & Sherwood, G. (2023). Reflective Practice: Reimagining Ourselves, Reimagining Nursing. Sigma Theta Tau.
- Beaudet, O., Pesut, D., Lemberger, O., (May 31, 2023) “The ANA Innovation Engine: Activating Innovation Through Education and Communities of Practice” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 28, No. 2, Manuscript 3.
- Pesut, D. J., Headrick, L. A., Holmboe, E., & Moore, S. M. (2023). Systems and Complexity Thinking to Master Leadership Challenges in Interprofessional Health Professionals Education. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 10. https://doi.org/10.1177/23821205231175205
- Pesut, DJ (2022). Wisdom Leadership: A Developmental Journey, Chapter 17 pages 443-461 in Wei, H., & Horton-Deutsch, S. (2022). Visionary Leadership in Healthcare. Sigma Theta Tau.
- Monsen, K., Drake, D., Looman, W., Peterson, B., Ruud, M., Smith, S., & Pesut, D. (2022). Collective impact partnerships: the data to action hourglass model. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 9(1), 3-3.
- Prochnow, J. A., McGill, R. L., Pesut, D. J., Gordon, D., Deno, F. E., & Becknell, M. D.
(2021). Challenges and choices: Insights derived from a survey of nurse leader burnout. Nursing Management, 52(10), 32-40.
- Monsen, K. A., & Pesut, D. J. (2020). Pilot Test of a Theory-Based Instrument to Measure Nursing Informatics Leadership Skills. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, Ont.), 33(1), 100-111.
- Pesut, D. J. (2019). Anticipating Disruptive Innovations with Foresight Leadership. Nursing administration quarterly, 43(3), 196-204.
- Reinders JJ, Pesut DJ, Brocklehurst P, Paans W, van der Schans CP (2019). Meta-Model of Interprofessional Development. An overarching model that connects requirements for interprofessional practice and education. In J. Utley, C. Mathena & T. Gunaldo (Eds.) Interprofessional Education and Collaboration. An Evidence-Based Approach to Optimizing Healthcare. Champaign, USA: Human Kinetics.
- Gillespie, G. L., Gakumo, C. A., Von Ah, D., Pesut, D. J., Gonzalez-Guarda, R. M., &
Thomas, T. (2018). A summative evaluation of productivity and accomplishments of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholars Program participants. Journal of Professional Nursing, 34(4), 289-295.
- Pesut, DJ (2017). Chapter 15: An introduction to integral philosophy and theory:
implications for quality and safety. Pages 315-331, In Gwen Sherwood and Sara Horton Deutsch (Eds.) Reflective practice: Transforming education and improving outcomes Second edition. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International Press.
- Pesut, DJ (2017). Chapter 14: Reflecting as a team: Issues to consider in Interprofessional practice. Pages 331-354 In Gwen Sherwood and Sara Horton-Deutsch (Eds.) Reflective practice: Transforming education and improving outcomes Second edition. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International Press.
- Brody, A. A., Farley, J. E., Gillespie, G. L., Hickman, R., Hodges, E. A., Lyder, C., … & Pesut, D. J. (2017). Diversity dynamics: The experience of male Robert Wood Johnson Foundation nurse faculty scholars. Nursing outlook, 65(3), 278-288.
- Kuiper, Ruthanne, Pesut, Daniel J, Arms, Tamara (2016). Clinical Reasoning and Care Coordination for Advanced Practice Nursing, New York: Springer Publishing.
- Kuiper, Ruthanne, O’Donnell, Sandy, Pesut, Daniel, Turnise, Stephanie, (2017). Essentials of Clinical reasoning for Nurses: Using the Outcome – Present State – Test Model for reflective Practice, Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International Press, Indianapolis, IN.
- Pesut, DJ (2016) Innovation Leadership. Chapter 11 page 245-250 In Shake Ketefian (Ed,) Shaping Nursing Science and Improving Health, the Michigan Legacy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
- Pesut, Daniel & Thompson, Sarah. (2015). Leadership and reflective practice: Leadership agility designed to create the future pages 339-359, In Gwen D. Sherwood and Sara Horton-Deutsch (Eds.) Reflective organizations: On the frontlines of QSEN and reflective practice implementation. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International
- Fricton, J., Anderson, K., Clavel, A., Fricton, R., Hathaway, K., Kang, W., Jaeger, B., Maixner, W., Pesut, D., Russell, J., and Weisberg, M.B., (2015). Preventing chronic pain: A human systems approach—results from a massive open online course. Global Advances in Health and Medicine, 4(5), 23-32. l.
- Allison-Napolitano, Elle & Pesut Daniel J. (2015) Bounce Forward: The Extraordinary Resilience of Nurse Leadership, American Nurses Association, Silver Springs, Maryland.
- Linderman, A., Pesut, D. & Disch, J. (2015). Sensemaking and knowledge transfer:
Capturing the knowledge and wisdom of nursing leaders, Journal of Professional Nursing, doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2015.02.004
- Jones, J., Schilling, K., Pesut, D. (2011). Barriers and Benefits Associated with Nurses Information Seeking Related to Patient Education Needs on Clinical Nursing Units. The Open Nursing Journal 5, 24-30.
- Broome, M, Halstead, J, Pesut, D., Boland, D. (2011). Evaluation of a Distance Accessible PhD Program, Journal of Professional Nursing, 27, (2), 69-77.
- Cullen, D. Stiffler, D., Settles, J., Pesut, DJ (2010). A database for nurse practitioner clinical education. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, Vol 28, No.1 January-February 2010, 20-31
- Kuiper, Ruth Anne, Pesut, Daniel, Kautz, Donald (2009). Promoting the self-regulation of clinical reasoning skills in nursing students. The Open Nursing Journal, 2009, 3, 76-85.
- Clancy, Thomas, Effken, Judith and Pesut, Daniel (2008). Applications of complex systems theory in nursing education, research and practice, Nursing Outlook, 56(5), 248-256.
- Pesut, DJ (2008). The wisdom of renewal. American Nurse Today, 3(7), 34-36.
- Pesut, DJ (2008; 2012). Change, pages 74-75 In H. Feldman et al. (Eds.) Nursing Leadership: A concise encyclopedia, Springer, NY.
- Pesut, DJ (2008; 2012). Complexity and Chaos, pages 90-91, In H. Feldman et al (Eds.) Nursing Leadership: A concise encyclopedia, Springer, NY.
- Pesut, DJ (2008; 2012). Strategic Planning, pages 352-353, In H. Feldman et al. (Eds.) Nursing Leadership: A concise encyclopedia, Springer, NY.
- Pesut, DJ (2008; 2012). Change agent and change agent strategies, pages 75-77, In H. Feldman et al. (Eds) Nursing Leadership: A concise encyclopedia, Springer, NY.
- Pesut, D. J. (2007). Leadership: How to achieve success in nursing organizations. Men in nursing: History, challenges, and opportunities, 153-169.
- Pesut, DJ (2007). The art, science, and complexity of clinical reasoning. Invited Keynote presentation in the Conference Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of ACENDIO,
Nursing Communication in Multidisciplinary Practice. Pages 33-37, Oud Consultancy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Baker, C., Pesut, D. McDaniel, A., Fisher, M (2007). Evaluating the impact of problem-based learning on learning styles of master’s students in nursing administration. Journal of Professional Nursing, Vol 23, 4, 214-219.
- Baker, C., McDaniel, A. Pesut, D. Fisher, M (2007). Learning Skills Profiles of Master’s Students in Nursing Administration: Assessing the Impact of Problem-Based Learning. Nursing Education Perspectives Vol 28, N0 4, 190-195.
- Moody, R, Horton-Deutsch, S., Pesut, D. J. (2007). Appreciative inquiry for leading in complex systems: Supporting the transformation of academic nursing culture. Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 46, No. 7, 319-324.
- Moody, R. Pesut, Daniel and Harrington, Charles (2006) Creating safety culture on nursing units: human performance and organizational system factors that make a difference. Journal of Patient Safety. 2(4):198-206
- Kautz, D., Kuiper, R., Pesut, D., Williams, R. (2006). Using NANDA, NIC and NOC language for clinical reasoning with the Outcome –Present State- Test Model, International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classification, Vol. 17, No. 3-4, July – December, 129-138.
- Moody, R.C. & Pesut, D.J (2006). “The Motivation to Care: Application and Extension of Motivation Theory to Professional Nursing Work.” Journal of Health, Organization, and Management, Vol. 20 No. 1, 15-48, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Kautz, D., Kuiper, R., Pesut, D., Knight-Brown, P., Daneker, D. (2005) Promoting clinical reasoning in undergraduate nursing students: Application and evaluation of the outcome present state test (OPT) model of clinical reasoning. International Journal of Nursing Scholarship.2:1, 1-21.
- Keefe, Maureen & Pesut, Daniel (2004). Appreciative inquiry and leadership transitions. Journal of Professional Nursing, 20 (2), 103-109.
- Pesut, D. (2004). Create the future through renewal: Presidential call to action Reflections on Nursing Leadership Volume 30 (1), 24-25.
- Pesut, D. (2004). The work of belonging. (Invited Editorial) Journal of Nursing Scholarship, First Quarter, 2004.
- Kuiper, R. & Pesut, D. (2004). Promoting cognitive and metacognitive reflective learning skills in nursing practice: Self-regulated learning theory. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45 (4), 381-391.
- Weinrich, S., Weinrich, M., Gleaton, J., Pesut, D., Garrison, C. (2000). Effects of psychological distress on blood pressure in adolescents. Holistic Nursing Practice 15(1), 57-65.
- Pesut, D. & Herman, J. (1999). Clinical Reasoning: The Art and Science of Critical and Creative Thinking. New York: Delmar Publishing.
- Pesut, D & Herman, J. (1998). OPT Transformation of the Nursing Process for Contemporary Nursing Practice, Nursing Outlook, 46(1), 29-36.
- Williams, C., Pesut, D., Boyd, M., Russell, S., Morrow, J., Head, K. (1998). Toward an integration of competencies for advanced practice mental health nursing. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 4, 48-56.
- Pesut, D.J. & Herman, J. (1992). Metacognitive skills in diagnostic reasoning: Making the implicit explicit. Nursing Diagnosis, 3(4), 148-154.
- Pesut, D. (1990). Creative thinking as a self-regulatory metacognitive process: A model for education, training, and further research. Journal of Creative Behavior, 24(2), 105-110
- Pesut, D. (1988). Self-perceived creativity of practicing registered nurses. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 19(3), 100-102.
- Pesut, D. (1985). Toward a new definition of creativity. (Guest Editorial) Nurse Educator 10(1), 5.
- Pesut, D. J. (1975). Portrait of a researcher: some reflections. Nursing research, 24(3), 226-227.
Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae Available upon request dpesut@umn.edu Additional information: LinkedIN Profile, Daniel Pesut Wikipedia , Scopus Profile ORCID PubMed Experts@ Minnesota Foresight Leadership: The Future of Nursing and Health Care LinkedIN Foresight Leadership Group