Caritas Coach Education Program® (CCEP)
The Caritas Coach Education Program® (CCEP) is a unique, six-month professional development program which incorporates interactive online instruction, virtual small group intensives and an assigned Caritas Coach® faculty coach. Through a formal application process, a new class of students is admitted to the program every May and November each year. We now offer Spanish 'CCEP LIA' courses every March.
Through dynamic inquiry and collaborative, compassionate dialogue, you will explore caritas consciousness and caring literacy which will prepare you to transform your personal and professional life toward deeper meaning, purpose, dignity and wholeness. As a Caritas Coach®, you will return to your setting with new insight, wisdom, skills and confidence to give voice and help translate and live-out the theory and philosophy of human caring-healing, in service for deep system transformation.
The CCEP Program was developed by Dr. Jean Watson and the Faculty of Watson Caring Science Institute (WCSI). The Watson Caring Science Institute is an international, nonprofit organization founded by Dr. Jean Watson to advance the philosophies, theories, and educational-clinical-research practices of Caring Science. Join the growing number of Caritas Coaches who are leaders in restoring the heart in health care.
General Student – $3,300
WCSI Affiliate – $2,900
WCSI Latino-Iberoamérica (español)
$1,500 — Miembros de la vida
$3,300 — non LIA members.
- CCEP is offered in May and November every year.
- CCEP LIA (Spanish) is offered March every year.
For CCEP questions, please contact:
Lori Gdanetz, PHD, RN, PCCN
WCSI Director of Professional Education
Caritas Coach®
Para consultas en Español: CCEP LIA Assistant to Directors Maria Silva
Scholarships Available
WCSI has scholarships specifically for applicants accepted in the Caritas Coach Educational Program®. Find out more.
Evaluating Changes in Caring Behaviors of Caritas Coaches Pre and Post the Caritas Coach Education Program®
Published in JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, February 2020.
"CCEP has given me the language to describe what I do as a nurse to care for my patients on a day to day basis. It’s given me a voice. It’s empowered me through an unbreakable deep rooted inner human connection. "
~Paras Barnett, Caritas Coach®, Stanford Health Care Nurse
Applications for May 2025 are open!
Información de CCEP en Espanõl
El proximo curso empezará el 12 de abril 2025.
Caritas Coach® Project Database
Projects, abstracts and posters from previous Caritas Coaches, with permission.
Base de datos del proyecto Caritas Coach®
Projectos finales de Caritas Coach en español y portugues.
"Caritas comes from the Latin word meaning ‘to cherish, to appreciate, to give loving, attention to'. It represents compassion, and generosity of spirit. It connotes something very fine, indeed, something precious that needs to be cultivated and sustained".
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