WCSI Caritas Community Conference 2024: Giving Thanks
Early Bird Rate: $340 — through August 14th
Standard Rate: $390 — after August 14th
- Limited availability, please register as soon as possible
- Breakfast and lunch included
- 100% refund if cancelling by August 14th
- 75% refund if cancelling by September 14th
- 0% refund if cancelling after September 14th
Substitutions (name only) will be honored by October 30th.
Contact Hours: Contact hours have been approved!
This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Approval for contact hours through the American Holistic Nurses Association is based on an assessment of the educational merit of this program and does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients. an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Program Theme: Giving Thanks
Wyndham Deerfield Beach Resort
2096 NE 2nd St Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
(954) 428-2850
Reservations Phone: 877-993-3223
Booking Link: Wyndham Hotel Booking
Special Hotel Rate: SOLD OUT. However there are still rooms available at this hotel.
Nearest Airports
- Ft Lauderdale (40 minutes by car or catch the free shuttle to Tri Rail to Deerfield Beach station then taxi to hotel (10-minute ride)
- MIA (1 hour by car – or catch the Tri-Rail to Deerfield Beach station, then Uber/Lyft to hotel (10 minute ride)
- Palm Beach Airport (40 minutes by car or catch the free Shuttle to West Palm Beach Tri-Rail to Deerfield Beach station, then Uber/Lyft to hotel (10-minute ride)
Uniting in Interpretation
Shared learning experiences from the Caritas Community
- Defining Watson's Caring Science — from the fundamentals of the 10 Caritas Processes® to the Theory of Human Caring.
- Presentations from CNO's, Deans and WCSI Affiliates about real life examples of how to implement Watson's Caring Science in your system/school.
- Professional/personal development — learn from a distinguished panel of world renown Nurse Scholars and Theorists: Dr. Jean Watson, Dr Marilyn Dee Ray, Dr Howard Butcher, and Dr Marlaine C. Smith.
- Experiential workshops — coming together in Communitas to share various healing modalities and connect with colleagues.
- Time and space to BE.
- Oh, and there's dancing too. We mustn't forget to dance!
Expressions of Watson's Caring Science
How does Watson's Caring Science guide your practice?
- Principles — What are the 10 Caritas Processes® and how can I refer to them in my own practice?
- Experience — How do I incorporate my own experience / voice / modality into my professional practice?
- Progression — How can we as a profession move this work forward in a unified way?
- Voice — How do we give voice and language to that which we are already doing?
- Unity — How can we connect with Watson Caring Science colleagues throughout the world; feel part of a movement towards healing and health equity?
- Outreach — How can we share with ourselves and each other in order to inform our practice with caring for patient / staff / communities / planet?
Sponsorship Opportunities

Special love to our main sponsor:
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Please contact Robert Silva if you are interested in becoming a sponsor — robert@watsoncaringscience.org.
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