Jill Hruska, BSCN, RN, CAE

WCSI Caritas Coach®
WCSI CCEP® Faculty
Caritas Leader® Faculty Guide

With over 30 years of experience in health and education, Jill incorporates Unitary Caring Science by combining best practices based on Western and traditional health modalities. Unitary Caring Science informs both physical and virtual classrooms and healthcare settings. She is an active practicing registered nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and is certified in Adult Education. She graduated as a Caritas Coach® in 2016 with Cohort 14.

A healer, artist and author that offers an alternative perspective by working with spiritual guides, ancestors, animals and nature to seek guidance and wisdom to balance disharmony in the field of consciousness.

Jill sits on the board of the Women’s Resource Centre. The center provides programs, services, and counselling on issues affecting women and children, including family violence, while encouraging respect, diversity, and equality with a feminist perspective.

Jill has presented nationally and internationally on Unitary Caring Science and the caring curriculum. She follows Unitary Caring Science in her health and education practices to ensure all human beings feel valued and respected in their diversity.