Lisa M. Lally DNS, MS, RN

WCSI CCEP® Faculty
WCSI Caritas Coach®
WCSI PostDoctoral Scholar

Dr. Lisa Lally recently retired as the Founding Director of the Baldwin Nursing Program and Associate Professor of Nursing at Siena College in Loudonville, NY. She received her BSN at Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY and her MSN and Doctor of Nursing Science in Nursing Education and Leadership at The Sage Colleges in Troy, NY.

Lisa has been actively involved in nursing academia and curriculum development for over 30 years. She was hired at Siena College in 2015 to develop the inaugural post-licensure nursing program in which she had the incredible opportunity to infuse Caring Science curriculum from the inception of the program. Three programs were developed during her tenure at Siena College and the program grew from the first class of ten students in 2016 to over 250 at the time of her retirement in 2023. Prior to joining Siena College, Lisa taught nursing at both the associate and bachelor level of nursing and was the Director of the Russell Sage College Nursing program.

Lisa completed the WCSI Postdoctoral Doctoral Program with Dr. Watson in 2018. This incredible program was instrumental in further implementing Caring Science curriculum for the Baldwin Nursing Program. The time spent with Dr. Jean Watson, Dr. Marcia Hills and all the WCSI scholars furthered her love of the Caritas community and the importance of Caring Science in all aspects of nursing education. Wanting more immersion in the field, Lisa became a Caritas Coach® in 2021 with the 24th cohort.

Lisa has contributed to Caring Science by writing chapters on creating a Caring Science curriculum and Caritas leadership in the following textbooks; Hills, M. and Watson, J. (2020), Creating a caring science curriculum: An emancipatory pedagogy for nursing, (2nd Ed.), and in Rosa, W., Horton-Deutsch, S. & Watson, J. (2019), A handbook for caring science: Expanding the paradigm.

She and her colleagues at Siena College have researched the effect of a Caring Science curriculum upon nurses caring behaviors and plan to publish and continue this research in the future. Now retired from Siena College, she plans to continue to continue to teach and share the importance and beauty of Watson Caring Science as a faculty member in CCEP®.