For Chief Nursing Officers & Senior Nurse Leaders
A 3 Month Program
Executive Nurse Leaders are asked to translate the mission, vision, and values of the organization and set the tone of how it is delivered and received by staff. Holding this commitment authentically requires connection to self, a higher purpose, and knowing one’s sacred calling. This program was designed in collaboration with Dr. Jean Watson and the Watson Caring Science Institute (WSCI) to provide senior nurse leaders with an entree into the experience and discovery of being, belonging, and becoming.
Participants will learn how to use Unitary Caring Science as context for the higher consciousness of leadership – informed by a value-based philosophy, ethic of connectedness, and relationship-centered leadership.
Sep 20 – Nov 29, 2022
Every other Tuesday | 12noon EST
During this Leadership Intensive, Watson Caring Science Caritas Leaders Christine Griffin and Sara Horton-Deutsch will help participants:
Obtain a higher consciousness for executive leadership.
- Enter a reflective inner journey for executive leadership.
- Explore ways of ‘being-in-right-relation’ with self, others, and organizations.
- Create a trusted space with colleagues to intellectually and experientially embrace Unitary Caring Science.
Watson Caring Science Institute advances the unitary philosophies, theories and practices of ‘Caring Science’, developed by Jean Watson, Ph.D., RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, LL (AAN). Caring Science is a transdisciplinary approach that incorporates the art and science of nursing and includes concepts from the fields of philosophy, ethics, ecology and mind-body-spirit medicine. The Theory of Human Caring improves patient care, and reduces staff burn out. There are many hospitals throughout the world who are now basing their professional practice model on Watson’s Caring Science Theory.
Program Logistics
- Target Audience: Chief Nurse or Senior Nurse Leaders
- Participants will meet every other Tuesday at 12noon EST from September 20th to November 29th, 2022.
- In-person closing event with Dr. Jean Watson planned for December.
- 9 Contact Hours will be awarded for participation in the full program.
- Registration fee: $2999.00
The Organization of Nurse Leaders, MA, RI, NH, CT, VT is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by The American Nurses Association Massachusetts an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
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