Join us in a Virtual Worldwide Meditation
May 12, 2020 @ 12:00 NOON Local Time
The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated 2020 as the ‘Year of the Nurse & the Midwife’— also to commemorate Florence Nightingale’s 200th Birthday. By honoring the heart of humanity and the caregiver in all of us, it honors all of those who have dedicated their lives to caring for us in the time of need.
This inspired Global Coherence event will occur on May 12, 2020 at 12 noon (local time)—around the world and across all time zones—to celebrate our shared service to humanity.
Nurses’ Global Coherence 2020 Virtual Meditation
Please join us — at your Noon — in this virtual global moment by meditating from your heart — by reading and experiencing the highlighted message below.
On or before May 12, 2020, you are also most welcome to download the free ‘Global Coherence App’ and join with others worldwide to listen to this guided meditation in multiple languages.
Learn more, visit:
- Global Coherence at HeartMath
- Global Consciousness Project at Princeton University
- Nurse Global Coherence 2020 at The Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH)
Nurses’ Global Coherence 2020 Co-Sponsors
- Nightingale Initiative for Global Health
- Watson Caring Science Institute
- International Nurse Coach Association
- Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
- Global Consciousness Project
- Global Coherence Initiative
- HeartMath
- Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
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Image Credits:
- NGC 2020 Logo: White Flame accessed from: Blue Planet accessed from:
- Reading Graphic: Courtesy of ID: 2012/01/2 Creative Commons CC0 License