Watson Caring Science Institute is proud to announce a new 4-part teaching series with Dr. Jean Watson — offered September 8 through December 8, 2021 — Caring Science as Sacred Science: A Watson Teaching Series.
Caring Science as Sacred Science
Caritas as Sacred Activism
Unveiling the Holy, Sacred, Spirit-Source of Human Caring
If you are a nurse or healthcare practitioner, you more than likely are familiar with Dr. Jean Watson and Caring Science/Theory of Human Caring and the 10 Caritas Processes®.
Discover the next evolution of Caring Science as Sacred Science, translating 10 Caritas Processes of the theory into sacred activism, mini and macro practices for self/other/Planet Earth.
Even though we are spirit-made-whole, which is intrinsic to being human, our culture doesn’t like to talk about anything outside physical outer patterns of experiencing our world; our universe.
The pandemic serves as a living metaphor of our quantum universe, whereby we come face to face with the unitary field of existence, where everything is connected with everything else, including the sacred circle of life/death; we face that which is on the other side of the veil, revealing what is real and what is lasting.
At this time of shock and world change we are called to surrender — returning to wisdom, to spiritual, redefining our reality, what truly matters, to focus on that which is lasting from within.
Unitary Caring Science explores concepts that are in-between the outer -world space- inviting liminal space exploration, such as:
- Transpersonal
- Eternal Now
- Intentionality
- Consciousness
- Caring Moment
- Ethic of Belonging
- Infinite Energy of Heart Love
- Field of Universal Love
- Practice of Sacred Sutras to sustain Self and Sacred
Caring Science offers new freedom, new space to reconsider a deeper meaning of caring-healing work and phenomena. Since there is no place to hide any longer, and we cannot turn our face away, we are called to ask anew, how are we to live?
~ Jean Watson
Join us for this unique opportunity to study with the leading nurse theorist and author of Caring Science as Sacred Science and Unitary Caring Science: Philosophy and Praxis of Nursing, and Transpersonal Theory of Human Caring/Caritas.
Pre-recorded audio and videos, background readings plus Live Zoom with Jean, the second Wednesday of the month from September 8 – December 8, 2021, 10AM – 12PM MT.
This is a Watson Caring Science Educational Certificate program; anyone completing the program will receive a Certificate of Completion from Dr. Watson.
- Early Bird Rate: $750 through July 31st
- Standard Rate: $900 begins August 1st
Registration closes August 25th.
CONTACT HOURS: This activity has been submitted to the American Holistic Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. The American Holistic Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.