We’re delighted to announce that Dr. Jean Watson is serving as an advisor to the upcoming film project about the extraordinary and pioneering vision of Florence Nightingale.
Legacy of Light: The Movie — is set to be a biopic feature film projected for global release during Florence Nightingale’ 2020 Bicentenary Year
In preparation for the 2020 Bicentenary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, the Legacy of Light media package is dedicated to portraying vivid stories and opportunities to connect the ongoing relevance of Nightingale’s life, work and insights to our times.
Nightengale’s commitment to caring changed the course of human history, reshaped healthcare, and enabled people worldwide to live healthier lives.
The project is currently at the early stages of production and fundraising.
For more information, or to get involved please visit: www.legacyoflightthemovie.com