Nightingale Initiative for Global Health

The Watson Caring Science Institute is proud to support the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) and share in the excitement of the 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife!

The Nightingale Initiative for Global Health — often called ‘NIGH’ — is a grassroots-to-global catalytic movement created — in Florence Nightingale’s name — to keep her flame and bright spirit beaming throughout the 21st century and beyond.

Please be sure to visit the NIGH website and join the Nightingale Declaration for a Healthy World and make a commitment to “our shared goals and shared purposes — to work together to build a better world for everyone.”

Click here to read the letter from Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.

Nightingale Prayer — The Flame of Florence Nightingale’s Legacy

Deva-Marie Beck, PhD, RN © 1996 ​

“Today, our world needs healing and to be rekindled with Love.
Once, Florence Nightingale lit her beacon of lamplight to comfort the wounded.
Her light has blazed a path of service across a Century to us —
through her example and through the countless nurses and healers
who have followed in her footsteps.

“Today, we celebrate the flame of Florence Nightingale’s legacy.
Let that same light be rekindled to burn brightly in our hearts.
Let us take up our own ‘lanterns of caring,’ each in our own ways —
to more brightly walk our own paths of service to the world —
to more clearly share our own ‘noble purpose’ with each other.

“May human caring become the lantern for the 21st century.
May we better learn to care for ourselves, for each other and for all Creation.

“Through our caring, may we be the keepers of that flame.
That our spirits may burn brightly to kindle the hearts of our children and great-grandchildren — as they, too, follow in these footsteps.”
