Wanda Borges, PhD, RN, ANP-BC

WCSI Faculty Associate
Associate Director of Graduate Programs
School of Nursing at New Mexico State University

Wanda Borges, PhD, RN, ANP-BC is Professor and Associate Director of Graduate Programs in the School of Nursing at New Mexico State University. Wanda obtained her PhD from University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston with her dissertation research on an intervention to improve self-care behaviors in people with chronic disease.  Since graduation she has focused her research efforts in Community Based Participatory Research. Partnering with community-based health centers to improve health care outcomes, Wanda has worked to establish formalized Academic Practice Partnerships with health care organizations providing services to underserved communities. For the last four years, Wanda has embarked on a spiritual self-healing journey focusing on mindfulness and intentional practices. This journey has led her to Healing Circles and being accepted in the Caritas Coach Education Program® through the Watson Caring Science Institute. Wanda seeks to share self-healing lessons with nurses and nurse leaders throughout the globe to focus on caring for self as a means to heal healthcare systems throughout the world.

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